The Membership

Have you ever just let yourself dream of what could be? What your life could look and feel like? How rich and fulfilling all aspects of that life could be: professionally, your relationship with yourself, your body and others, romantically things etc etc!

Maybe you’ve dreamed it but don’t feel like it’s accessible to you or have no idea where to even start. OR you’ve started crafting your best you and best life… but you need support, you need community, you need some guidance!

Maybe you’re the person running a really successful business but still have to confirm to “business as usual” and hide parts of yourself. Or you’ve got an epic relationship on paper but are dying in side because you’re afraid that if you are your whole self with your partner they just won’t love you the same. Perhaps you’re the person that is already Hella Liberated but has no idea how to apply it to your life because there are no models for you. You know, like when people ask you how you are and you want share your full blown meltdown but play small and say “I’m fine”. Or you don’t want to have to work past 2pm but you keep saying yes to clients or jobs because they need you or you “have to”.

No matter who you, how you identify, the life you’re trying to create or where you’re at in your journey, Hella Liberated’s got you!

Hella Liberated is a monthly membership where you liberate yourself from all of the social “should” and “supposed tos”, where we get really real and vulnerable and honest about what being imperfectly and beautifully human actually means. This is a community of like-minded yet wildly different people, led by Julia Wells and Louiza “Weeze” Doran, who are committed to one thing; living their absolute best, boldest, softest and juiciest lives, free of guilt, hustle and shame and full of healing and freedom!

Every month we will venture into a theme/topic by way of a pre-recorded video and journaling prompts. We’ll all come together for a monthly call to answer questions, do some hot seat coaching, give y’all strategy and what ever else comes up for y’all (don’t worry they’ll be recorded and you’ll have access as long as you are a member). Plus, there is a community member group space (like a fb group but not fb) for everyone to support, celebrate, cheer each other on, vent, lament and on and on…. you know, all of the things we need our community for!

Sign up now, your future self will fall even deeper in love with you for it!

Foundational Topics

Because you can’t build your dream home on a rocky foundation!

September: Defining liberation for yourself and creating the vision for your life. Without a destination we can spin our wheels endlessly. This doesn’t mean we can’t change courses and even the destination itself but we gotta know where we wanna go. Don’t worry, we’ll make it hella fun!

October: Identifying your edges and discomfort. So let’s be real shall we? We all want what we want but usually only if it feels safe and easy. Aaaannndd if life and this process has shown us anything, it takes getting pretty uncomfortable to achieve real and long lasting change. So what’s getting in your way? We can’t overcome the obstacles we can’t see! We’ll share the tools and methods that worked for us, so that you can start to figure out the ones that feel ssooo good for you.

November: The practice of releasing and healing. Let’s face it, who doesn’t have decades of bs to release and heal? One thing we know is that the process doesn’t have to be torturous and you definitely don’t have to (we don’t think anyone should) do it alone. We aren’t saying we are going to achieve all of that in a month, that’s why this is an ongoing monthly membership. What we are saying, is that we plan on giving y’all a rinse and repeat method to work through your stuff.

December: How to celebrate where you are! Through trial and a lot of error we have learned that without celebration the hard work won’t feel very good. Getting Hella Liberated is a full roller coaster ride and celebration is your seat belt baby! So buckle up to learn how we brag and plant goal posts, celebration the Jeezy way!

2023 and beyond: So much more magic we can’t even fit it on this page. Every month we will focus on a curated topic that will help and support your liberation. From business, pleasure, romance, friendship, boundaries, bodies etc we will cover all of the things that make us complex, beautifully messy humans. Think of this as a one stop shop: monthly masterclass, coaching and community with two no nonsense, been there, definitely done that, “conventionally” successful by super “unconventional” methods, fucked up a lot along the way, always bounced back and wouldn’t trade any of it for anything coaches and mentors with two widely different origin stories and lived experiences!

TLDR of the membership:

  • Monthly pre-recorded masterclass w/ journaling

  • Monthly live community call on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 12pm pt/3pm et: coaching, strategy, space holding, healing

    • Option to submit questions ahead of time if you can’t make the calls live!

  • Online space with other community members

  • Access to all previous content while a member


As a founding member you get extra special pricing!!!!! Normally $222 a month, founding members will lock in their pricing as long as they are subscribed!

Founding member monthly cost is $111

Wanna hear what Liberation means to us and how it has totally changed our lives and businesses? Listen here!!